
research projects


Le-Fo project

Teaching and Research Infrastructure for Digital Arts at the University, Co-Investigator, Granted by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of the Republic of Austria (BMBWF)

Partners and Co-Investigators: Ruth Schnell, University of Applied Arts, Vienna; Oliver Grau, Danube University Krems (Lead University); Christa Sommerer, Laurent Migonneau, University of Art and Design Linz.

Content: Technological and aesthetic research and development on innovative, interactive, multi-sensory and haptic forms of documentation and archiving, based on virtual, immersive and augmented reality, at the border between documentation and simulation.



ENJEUX project

Rework and adaptation for online dissemination in volumetric video and WebVR, Principal Investigator. Granted by the Canada Council for the Arts Digital Now program.

Partners: Martin Kusch and Marie-Claude Poulin / kondition pluriel, Sébastien Gravel and Agence Mickaël Spinnhirny.
Content: Research and development of a “virtual meta-stage in volumetric video”, allowing the online spectator to navigate in 3-dimensions inside the spectacle.



SpotOn MozArt

Digital and Social Transformation in Higher Education
Granted by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of the Republic of Austria (BMBWF).

Partners: Ruth Schnell, Dept for Digital Arts, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Elisabeth Gutjahr, Mozart Forum, University Mozarteum Salzburg (Lead University)
Content: What do you see when you’re listening? Spot on MozART is an inter-university, interdisciplinary project devoted to visual research in how we listen, and how we can come to a (new) understanding of the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the 21st century.



SAVATAP project

Socially Alligned Visual Arts, Technology and Perception HRSM, Teaching and Research Infrastructure, Principal Investigator

Granted by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of the Republic of Austria (BMBWF).

Project leaders: Martin Kusch, Ruth Schnell, Gerald Bast, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Co-investigators: Robert Trappl, Austrian Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI), Vienna, Helmut Leder, Dept. for Basic Psychological Research and Research Methods, TU Vienna

Content: SAVATAP is an Arts-and-Sciences research project on the relationship between art, urbanization and citizens. The project brought scientists and artistic-researchers together, for developing urban artistic interventions, in the form of fulldome installations and architectural projection mappings, and to study the impact of these interventions on the perception of the population.



Machine learning and artificial intelligence for creation

Principal Investigator Granted by the Digital Deployment program of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.

Partners: Martin Kusch and Marie-Claude Poulin / kondition pluriel, Ine Gevers, Niet Normaal Foundation, Netherlands; Robert Trappl, Austrian Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI).

Content: Development of a framework for the integration of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies and skills for installation, choreography and transdisciplinary performance.




Project, artistic researcher, PEEK program – arts-based research, Austrian Science Research Fund (FWF).

Project leaders: Katharina Gsöllpointner, Ruth Schnell, University of Applied Arts, Vienna.
Researchers: Martin Kusch, Marie-Claude Poulin, Jeffrey Shaw, Ruth Schnell, Peter Weibel and others.
Partners: ZKM, Karlsruhe (D); School of Media and Arts, City University Hong Kong, China.
Content: Potential of digital art to generate synesthetic experiences and their dramaturgical forms of physical interaction, in connection with bodily perceptions, kinesthesia and proprioception.




European Mobile Dome Lab for Artistic Research, Co-initiator and project director. Granted by European Union Culture Program.

Project initiators: Martin Kusch and Marie-Claude Poulin / kondition pluriel, Montreal (CA).
Project leaders: Martin Kusch and Ruth Schnell, Dept. of Digital Art, University of Applied Arts.
Partners: I-DAT of Plymouth University (UK), NTLab, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR), Trans-Media Akademie, Hellerau (D), [SAT] Society for Arts and Technology, Montreal (CA), kondition pluriel, Montreal (CA).Content: Research-creation and documentation on the languages and grammars unique to the fulldome medium, as a social form of spatialized immersive experience and a new terrain of artistic expression, redefining the parameters of the spectacle.




Project director. Granted by the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Arts Council and the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology, total.

Partners: Martin Kusch and Marie-Claude Poulin / kondition pluriel, Glenn Silver / Technology Playgroup, Johan Versteegh.

Content: Development of a custom-made wireless sensor system to capture and interpret dance movement and to manipulate media in real time: image, sound, light, analog and robotic devices, adaptations and optimizations of this system took place until 2010.